population: 4 800 000
area: 100 800 sq.km
Rostov (international)
Rostov (passengers, cargo, oil terminals)
wheat-growing territory
gas extractive and processing industries
agricultural engineering
heavy industry
light industry
chemical industry
ship services
Expecting helicopter usage:
city&area business flights
long-distance business flights
airport-to-hotel flights
fishing&hunting flights
video&photo shooting flights
private helicopter service
supporting private contracts
Rostov-on-Don (est. 1761)
population: 1 300 000
Business and financial capital of Southern Russia here you can find trade delegates from a lot of world companies
River Don region
Don and Volga are two largest rivers of Russia with a lot of islands and confluents. the fishing here attracts people from different regions, and also from Moscow. there're some hotels here which cost $ 300 day/person |