population: 6 000 000
area: 76 000 sq.km
Krasnodar (international)
Anapa (international)
Gelendjik (domestic)
Sochi (international)
Novorossiysk (passengers, cargo, oil terminals)
the largest wheat-growing territory of Russia
oil and gas extractive and processing industries
the only one Black sea recreation area of Russia
chemical industry
agricultural engineering
heavy industry
light industry
Expecting helicopter usage:
airport-to-hotel flights
city&area business flights
long-distance business flights
video&photo shooting flights
tourists routs support
fishing&hunting flights
private helicopter service
supporting private contracts
alpinists delivering flights
Krasnodar (est. 1793)
population: 700 000
business and cultural capital of the region
Sochi (est. 1838)
population: 400 000
the most popular coastal city of Russia
touristic flow: 3 000 000/season
Krasnaya polyana
now it’s the fastest-growing place of Russia
the government granted $ 3 000 000 000 for building 246 sport facilities at Sochi and here. this place is going to be the main territory of 2014 Winter Olympic Games
see official web site of the Games